Eat Plenty Of These Type Of Peanuts If You Have Diabetes

If you have diabetes, you may be wondering if it is safe to eat peanuts every day. The good news is that not only is it safe to eat peanuts daily, but they can also provide many benefits, including better diabetes management. In this article, we will explore the scientific evidence that supports the consumption of peanuts for diabetes, the best type of peanuts to consume, and how to incorporate them into your diet.

Peanuts are a great source of heart-healthy mono-unsaturated fats that can help lower blood sugar levels. According to Dr. Irrigan, an endocrinologist and diabetes specialist, peanuts are also a good source of vitamins and minerals, including magnesium, which is known to be helpful in managing diabetes. Moreover, peanuts are packed with protein, fiber, and healthy fats, making them an excellent food choice for people with diabetes.

Benefits of Peanuts for Diabetes Management

Scientific evidence suggests that eating one and a half ounces of peanuts each day can help reduce the risk of diabetes by up to 21 percent. The protein in peanuts helps regulate blood sugar levels and prevent spikes in insulin levels, which is essential for diabetes management. Moreover, peanuts are an excellent source of fiber, which adds bulk to your diet, helps you feel full longer, and aids digestion. Artery guidelines for Americans urge people to consume more fiber-rich plant foods for better health, and peanuts are an excellent source of fiber, providing up to 20% of your daily value.

In addition to protein and fiber, peanuts are also rich in vitamins and minerals that are essential for optimal health, including vitamin E, magnesium, folate, copper, and phosphorus. Vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant, helps protect cells from oxidative stress, reduces blood glucose levels, and provides protection for cell membranes, reducing the risk of certain cancers. Magnesium is crucial for muscle function, enzyme function, energy production, and healthy bone development, and folate is necessary for cell division, especially during pregnancy, childhood, and diabetes. Copper is essential for red blood cell formation, healthy blood vessels, nerves, immune system, and even bone, while phosphorus is essential for the formation of teeth, bones, cell growth, and muscle function.

Best Peanuts for Diabetes

To get the maximum health benefits of peanuts, it is crucial to choose the best unprocessed peanuts. Health-conscious people choose raw peanuts over packaged ones because they can boil or roast them. According to Dr. Irrigan, green peanuts are the best, but they don’t have to be that color. True green peanuts are fresh and might still be in the shell if you want to roast them for a specific recipe, but peanuts that are sold in grocery stores are usually already cooked when they come in a package. Avoid peanuts that feel soft as this is a sign that they have gone bad.

Daily Peanut Intake for Diabetes

Dr. Irrigan recommends eating a handful of unprocessed peanuts daily to get the maximum health benefits. It is essential to keep the serving size in mind as peanuts are calorie-dense. One serving of peanuts is about 28 grams or one ounce, which is equivalent to a handful of peanuts or two tablespoons of peanut butter.


In conclusion, peanuts are an excellent source of nutrition for people with diabetes. The mono-unsaturated fats, fiber, and protein in peanuts can help regulate blood sugar levels, reduce the risk of developing diabetes, and improve overall health. Additionally, peanuts contain a wide range of essential vitamins and minerals, including magnesium, copper, phosphorus, and manganese. It’s important to note that unprocessed peanuts are the best option when it comes to choosing peanuts for daily consumption. Eating a handful of unprocessed peanuts each day can have significant health benefits. So, if you’re looking for a healthy snack option that can help control blood sugar levels and provide a wide range of essential nutrients, look no further than the humble peanut.



