The Shocking Truth About Acrylamide in Coffee: Is It Slowly Killing You?

Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world, with millions of people drinking it every day. But what many people don’t know is that coffee contains acrylamide, a toxic chemical linked to various diseases. In this article, we’ll explore the risks of acrylamide exposure, the harmful effects of acrylamide, and whether coffee is really slowly killing you.

coffee formula

What is acrylamide?

Acrylamide is a chemical compound that is formed when carbohydrates and fats are heated to high temperatures. It’s commonly found in many foods, including French fries, potato chips, bread, and coffee. Acrylamide has been shown to cause adverse effects on reproductive function in animals, and studies have suggested that it may increase the risk of miscarriage and preterm birth in humans.

The harmful effects of acrylamide

Research conducted on animals has shown that exposure to acrylamide has been linked with brain, breast, and pancreatic cancer in humans. A recent meta-analysis also correlated acrylamide exposure with pre-menopausal breast and uterine cancer. Although correlation doesn’t equal causation, there’s certainly enough evidence to warrant concern. Exposure to high levels of acrylamide has also been shown to cause damage to our liver and kidneys, increase blood pressure, reduce the elasticity of blood vessels, and cause gastrointestinal symptoms like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Acrylamide in coffee

Coffee naturally contains acrylamide, and the levels can increase when the beans are roasted at high temperatures. While it’s true that coffee contains acrylamide, it’s important to note that the amount of acrylamide in food can vary depending on the cooking method, the length of time that you’re cooking, and the temperature, as well as the type of food.

Is coffee really slowly killing you?

While it’s true that acrylamide can be harmful to our health, it’s not fair to say that coffee is slowly killing us. In fact, coffee has been shown to have many health benefits, including reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, and liver disease. Coffee also contains antioxidants and can improve cognitive function and mental alertness.


In conclusion, coffee contains acrylamide, a toxic chemical that can be harmful to our health. However, it’s important to remember that the amount of acrylamide in food can vary depending on the cooking method, the length of time that you’re cooking, and the temperature, as well as the type of food. While it’s not fair to say that coffee is slowly killing us, it’s still a good idea to limit our intake of acrylamide-containing foods and beverages. As with anything, moderation is key.



